J & M Sailing champs

J & M Sailing champs

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Kwa-Zulu Natal

Kwa-Zulu Natal
There. Kwa...Zulu...Natal. Not that hard. It took me a long time to get hold of this name. The South Africans and Africaans rattle this off so quickly I had no idea for a long time how to say it and used any number of combinations trying to explain to others our planned destination for our extended South African stay. It took until I finally saw it written on a map that I got it. And that was when we finally got a map after a couple of days already spent in Hazyview!
I must say that I personally have been a little disappointed in the last week of our stay in this wonderful country. It seems to have gone on for a week too long and that we are just passing the time waiting to get out of here, doing things just for the sake of doing them. The first two weeks were some the most amazing and exciting experiences of our lives and leaving as planned would have left us with a feeling of forever wanting more. The last week has felt like when you’ve been on the best night out ever or the best holiday ever, and then going back there to try and replicate it – it’s never the same the second time around and you are usually a little let down. Nat says I just need to move on from Egypt being cancelled!
However, the extension here was the last of our list of travel alternatives and came about only as time ran out and preferred options didn’t work out for logistics reasons. Maybe we were spoiled in the first couple of weeks by the quality of our activities. Driving the parks in Kruger and here in St. Lucia, whilst still wonderful in their own right, seeing the animals from such long distances away whilst stuck in the hire car is much like watching cows in the paddocks whilst driving along the Hume. Compare this to the open jeep Shiduli and other private game parks where it’s like riding the bull or being the clown at the rodeo – smack bang in the action up close! This is the only way to do a safari.
The long 6 hour day car trips to and from Swaziland, on top of the hours trapped inside the car for the poor man’s safari’s, has taken its toll on all of us with our enthusiasm and attention levels dropping off. This is no doubt affecting our patience with each other and attitudes to everything, including blogging and enjoying the latest animal experiences. Been there, done that. We are even over the full buffet breakfasts and all a little tired. 
Driving in Swaziland was a shocker. The roads are atrocious, and the only thing worse than the apparent living conditions of the people was their driving ability, making it all way too stressful to enjoy. St. Lucia and its tranquil beauty has been a blessing, with the turtle hatchlings and night game park drive associated with this, the pick me up we all needed. We await now with much anticipation getting to India.
Hot off the press and yet to evolve is the kick in the guts, just learned, that Manish will now be unable to join us in India, throwing our stress free guided Indian  adventure into chaos. Again the time zones conspire against us as last minute panic sets in to confirm and arrange details of accommodation, travel, etc that we had left in his hands and which now becomes all our problem to handle. Here we go...the adventure of our lifetimes...bring on the Maldives!

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