J & M Sailing champs

J & M Sailing champs

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The end of an incredible journey

The end of an incredible journey

It is with such sadness that this Bicknell family adventure must come to an end. We will arrive home with knowledge that can’t be acquired through T.V. or literature. We have met people that will forever remain in our hearts. We have spent such beautiful time together as a family and this is what I’m most grateful for.
Before I talk about my most outstanding moments of the trip, I need to share yesterday with you all. A day in the Maldives. We awoke to yet another perfect day and shared another beautiful buffet breakfast together. When we arrived back at our room, the room had been tidied and a love heart made from towels and flowers had been placed on our bed and a crocodile on the boys’ beds. Amazing!
The boys then went off snorkelling for an hour whilst I read. Within ten minutes of their return they had their first ever sailing lesson and they had an absolute ball. After another buffet lunch, David and the boys entered the sailing regatta and actually won their heat. I’m sure I could be heard screaming and cheering all over the island. They then came 5th in the final and received a medal. No one could believe it.
After a buffet dinner on the sand of the beach under the stars, we rested before we headed out for the nights entertainment, a comedy show. Jack especially found the comedy very funny and was hoping to be called up on stage to participate. We all fell into bed about 11pm. That’s life on Kani. Superb!

My favourite place: Maldives.
My least favourite place: The streets of Delhi.
My funniest moment: When the elephant tried to swallow David’s arm. We want to enter the footage into Funniest Home Videos.
My scariest moment: When the lion walked past the car.
My saddest moment: Leaving Shiduli (and probably when I leave Kani).

I can’t believe it’s all over. How will life ever be the same again? We are all changed for the better, forever.  Signing off for the final time. Nat xxx

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Diving with the fish by Max

Diving with the fish by Max
We are in the Maldives and we went snorkelling with all different kinds of fish. We call one helmet head because it’s got this blue helmet thing on its head. We saw colourful fish, fish that blend in, sea cucumbers, reef sharks and stingrays.
Today we went snorkelling with my camera goggles and we took a few shots of some different fish. A few with stripes, some with dots and the helmet head. We couldn’t get the shark when it swam up to our faces because it was too blurry. Then when the memory card was full we saw two more sharks and a stingray and missed getting those photos because it didn’t have any memory left.
We have been sailing and kayaking but not on a jetski. We’ve done lots of snorkelling and we went up in a sea plane. But the best thing about this place is free drinks from the bar. I always keep going up and getting mocktails as much as I like.

Underwater by Jack

In the Maldives, we have got our own private beach spot surrounded by bright blue, crystal clear warm water. The coral comes in big blobs and there are so many schools of fish that you can’t count all of them. There are hermit crabs crawling all over our deck so Max and I built a sand barrier and watched the hermit crabs climb over each other to get out. I found a hermit crab bigger than my hand under water.
We have now been on two coral reef snorkelling trips. The first one was in the afternoon and the other one was in the morning the next day. There were at least ten sea cucumbers, a lot of different coral and hundreds of thousands of fish. There were rainbow fish, bright fish, dark fish, tropical fish, camouflage fish, spotted fish, shiny fish, striped fish, little fish and big fish.
The coral went down like a cliff. At the edge of the reef it went from warm to cold. The second time Ididn’t wear a life jacket so I could dive down deep. When I did, my ears rang like the school bell at school.
This afternoon we went on a sea plane and the colour of the water was visible from up in the air. It only had two propellers all together. But it was at least able to get off the ground or should I say water

Maldives by Nat


I knew even before the plane had landed that we were about to land in paradise. From the windows of the plane all I could see were tiny islands surrounded by the most icy blue/green water I’ve ever seen in my life. The Maldives.

We were greeted at the airport by Club Med staff and whisked onto a speedboat for a 25 minute ride past many stunning islands to the most stunning of all islands, Kani. It is more beautiful here than any of us could have imagined. The rooms overlook a private beach, and warm ocean water. For the first time ever, Jack and Max have been given their own villa and  are loving  the responsibility.

The food, the staff, the surroundings are all perfect. I don’t think I’m able to describe how amazing it is here. We all love the fact that we can access food and drinks whenever we want. The boys love going up to the bar and ordering a mocktail and bringing it back to their lounge chair under the palm tree outside their room.

Yesterday we all went snorkelling and kayaking. Today the boys are off snorkelling and then after lunch we are going in a sea plane over the Maldive Islands. Tomorrow I’m doing a Japanese cooking class. We also plan to sail at some point too.

The weather is a perfect 32 degrees everyday and the nights are about 26 degrees. I think the water temperature is about 29 degrees too.  
There is only one thing I don’t like about the island- The French women. They are all skinny and gorgeous. How are they able to resist eating 3 plates full of food every meal? I just don’t understand!
Club Med Kani, is the most beautiful place in the world and well worth a visit at least once in your lifetime. For me, it needs to be more than once!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Fifteen years later...

Fifteen years later...
Well, it has taken us just over fifteen years and a couple of false starts to get here to the Maldives but it is definitely worth the wait. See Nat, I always keep my promises...’til death do us part. Happy Honeymoon, happy 10th Anniversary and happy 40th Birthday my Angelina MacPherson. Lots of love, always. David. XXX

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Incredible India - Incredibly frustrating!

Incredible India...incredibly frustrating!
We have recently arrived at a place called Kovalam. A tropical beach resort town just out of Thiruvananthapuran, at the very southern tip of India. After a few days of relaxing at this beautiful beachside town, some retail therapy, an Ayuveric massage and some Dhara treatment (an oil and spiced milk treatment poured onto the forehead for 45 mins) it is only now that we are able to reflect on our time in Dehli and Agra! 
We have had some amazing experiences and seen some wonderful things, however it was somewhat adversely affected by having to deal with incompetants, liars, pushy rip off merchants and con artists all the way along whilst we tried to book, plan and manage the balance of time and travels in India. And everyone was ungrateful, even the beggars were not happy enough when we gave them food or money and they always wanted more! Talk about ‘how hard can it be?’ to do the simplest things! The scariest thing is that it is always done under the guise of trying to help us. I don’t know how anything gets done in this place and I can understand why everything only seems to be 80% completed. You always feel short changed and have to compromise all the way as you are constantly being let down or stuffed around. If I hear “No problems, sir” one more time I think I’ll headbutt someone. It is always a problem, it is never done right or as we need it and we have to end up reluctantly accepting it or doing it ourselves under pressure or in a rage at the end anyway! But incredibly, we got it done! Incredible India.
Some of the highlights and sights we have seen include:
New Delhi:  The Connought and Janpath markets, Safdarjang’s tomb, Lodi Garden, Lotus temple, India gate (an eternal flame and monument to fallen soldiers), and probably our favourite Humayun’s tomb. This tomb was the first of seven built to honour the emporers that ruled over a 300 year period, the Taj Mahal was the 2nd.
Old Delhi: The Red Fort and Chandni Chowk were highlights. We took a bicycle taxi ride through the extremely busy old spice and silver markets and walked around this old world bustling district buying Niki, Abidas, and Poma branded goods!
Every day was an adventure in our hired sardine can cars (inclusive of suicide driver), taking our lives into our hands. Whilst travelling through all kinds of streets and witnessing the different living conditions, buildings and people was one of the highlights for me, unfortunately not so for Nat. One of the worst passengers I know at the best of times, poor Nat suffered anxiety and extreme fear the entire time of travel, unable to watch at times, and both the boys have the battle scars on their hands and arms to prove it.
Agra: The Taj Mahal. We made it! We set off on our 200km, 3hr drive through the country and arrived 5hrs later deafened by the constant car and truck horns and with headaches from the toxic fumes smoke and dust all the way and well and truly over the bustle. We then fought the afternoon Sunday crowds, in your face hawkers and beggars and took our turn to see this magnificent structure, all the time being pushed and jostled by these impatient Indians. The greatest hightlight was when Nat, after such a long and tiring day, had finally had enough of this one woman who had tried to push in the line in front of us for about the fourth time, and let her have it both barrels. Fantastic, one of the best sprays in a long time, it mirrored how we all felt and was duly applauded by all those around us.
Following on from the initial hotel non-pickup, booking stuff up and downgrade at some dodgy homeless shelter around the corner lowlight, the trip back from Agra managed to top this off and really ruin our time in and around Delhi. After taking six and half hours to travel the “3hr” trip back to Dehli, and under threat of missing our plane out, we somehow finally arrived at the airport. Our driver, attempting to take a shortcut, managed to get us lost for over an hour. We sat in the muddiest, filthiest, rubbish tip back streets of the outskirts of Delhi for what seemed an eternity. (This is where Jack called Pig Heaven as the streets were rife with animals, rubbish, mud and shit). We then proceed to get further lost, our driver lost his English speaking ability, we could not get phone contact with our hotel, and our driver dove erratically trying to make up for the hours lost, overtaking around blind corners and driving way too fast. The trip from hell.
Kovalam beach and its more laid back and less hectic pace has refreshed us and we have managed to finally have a drink again! Approx 8 to 10 days alchohol free when we most need it. Swimming at the beach and eating wonderful food. It has also provided us with the highlight of riding an elephant, including feeding them and being blessed by them (the trunk placed on our heads). Jack also has an entry in Funniest Home Videos as the elephant tried eating my arm!
We all look very much forward now to the Maldives to recover from such “Incredible” adventures before we return to the real world of work and school.....

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dehli by Jack

Delhi by Jack

On the second day in Delhi we went to Humayans tomb in New Delhi. It was the first tomb that we went to. It was the first emporer of Delhi out of seven to have a tomb built. (The Taj Mahal was the second). The tomb took nine years to build. After those nine years had ended, the wife slaughtered the architect so that he doesn’t build another tomb like that one.
The next day we went to the Red Fort in Old Delhi. We went into the museum and saw weapons like machine guns on stands, spears, guns and bow and arrows that protected the Red Fort from destruction from the enemies. There were markets inside where we entered. Max bought a cannon and I bought two swords and a shield that had a nice pattern.
 After Dehli we drove to Agra to see the Taj Mahal. It was a really long drive but it was worth it. An interesting fact was that the Taj Mahal was covered in jewels but over the years people stole them. Mum got angry with this Indian woman when she kept trying all the time to push in front of us in the line.
On the way back to Delhi the driver took a few wrong turns and we got lost in some alley ways. There were a lot of pigs, cows and dogs, cars, traffic, and heaps of rubbish and mud! I called it Pivin (pig heaven), because there were mostly pigs and they were eating the rubbish and playing in the mud.